Labour Management

We all know that the two major costs in any business in the F&B industry are cost of product and cost of staff. Cost of product is definitely something we can help with (see our pages on menu development and menu optimisation), but we can also help you with controlling the cost of staff. The problem is, labour management is incredibly complex – ensuring you have the right people in the right places at the right times is usually the result of a lot of planning, preparation and excellent systems. That’s generally not something you can manage easily unless you have a lot of experience, which is precisely where we come in.

We can get you set up with the best systems for you, and train your staff on how to use them effectively. We can also help you with recruitment tools and processes, ensuring you have exactly enough of a talent pipeline coming in to make sure your staffing is always exactly right. Finally, once you’ve got your staff in, at the right levels, we can help you to keep them. Just drop us a line at to discuss.