Recipe & Menu Systems

It’s the 2020s. Your guests are not the same as ten years ago. They want more than nice food, service and atmosphere. They want to know what’s in the food and drink they consume in your sites. They want to know how many calories are in them. They especially want to know if there is anything in your meals or drinks that could cause them an allergic reaction. And if you are serious about looking after your guests properly, you need to have ALL of the answers to these questions.

The problem is, this can all get very complex, expensive and time consuming. You need to get all of the allergens – both contained and ‘may’ contained – in all food and drink products you buy. Then you need to ensure the recipes you use reflect this information correctly. Then you need to use this information to update everything – stocks systems, tills, online menus, printed menus, digital displays, apps – everything. And then you need to change it all anytime a supplier changes a product. It’s overwhelming, and a bit of a nightmare to manage.

We’ve worked in this arena for a long time now, and we know the landscape better than anyone. If you’re struggling with an unwieldy mess of recipe and menu information then we guarantee we can help. We can connect up your systems and get things talking and flowing properly. We will advise on how to clean up your data (or do it for you if you want), and will tidy up your processes so it’s all automated. By the time we’re done, all you’ll need to worry about is the creative elements (and we can help there too!). Then you can focus on the good stuff, and not spend all your time worrying about multiple systems and how exposed and potentially liable you are.